Bylaws Committee


To provide for the fair and equitable governance of the United States Dressage Federation.


  1. Recommend Bylaws amendments as needed.
  2. Present amendments to the USDF Board of Governors (BOG) General Assembly for ratification.


  1. Recommend proposed bylaws amendments as needed.
  2. Discuss and draft bylaws amendments as required by the USDF Executive Board, committees, and members to be presented to the BOG in the future.
  3. Develop and formalize policies and procedures for how the Bylaws Committee deals with proposed amendments submitted by a third party member (not the Bylaws Committee, Executive Board, or USDF staff).


Position Region Name & Email Phone Fax
Chair 3 John Chris Trentelman (352) 629-6729 (352) 732-6981
Liaison 2 Sarah Garn (859) 271-7897 (859) 971-7722
Member 1 Janine W Malone (919) 269-7307
Member 2 Sue E. Hughes (734) 455-7273 (734) 455-7273
Member 3 Barbara A Cadwell (715) 350-1967 (715) 882-4906
Member 3 Robert Higgins (407) 497-4594 (407) 365-8231
Member 5 Heather Elizabeth Petersen (719) 338-0854 (303) 648-3164
Member 6 Peter Rothschild (206) 200-3522
Member 6 Gaye M McCabe (503) 378-0309 (503) 581-4999
Member 7 Diane P Nell (831) 334-0522
Member 9 Bess I Bruton (662) 701-9854