All-Breeds Participating Organizations


  1. Links within each USDF All-Breeds Awards Participating Organizations (PO) section provide additional information:
    • All-Breeds Declared Horses - all horses declared with a PO appear on this list.
    • Check Your Horse’s All-Breeds PO Eligibility – use these lists to verify a horses All-Breeds Awards eligibility.
    • List of recognized awards – shows awards the PO has chosen to recognize.
  2. To declare a horse for the All-Breeds Awards Program, submit the USDF All-Breeds Awards Declaration Form by August 1 of the award year.
  3. Verify horse’s All-Breeds Awards declaration and check scores on

Akhal-Teke Association Of America (103800)

American Connemara Pony Society (1030)

American Dutch Harness Horse Association (103963)

American Hackney Horse Society (100942)

American Haflinger Registry (100039)

American Hanoverian Society (1040)

American Morgan Horse Association Inc. (1060)

American Mustang & Burro Association Inc. (1085)

American Paint Horse Association (1070)

American Quarter Horse Association (1090)

American Rhineland Studbook (104610)

American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association (1110)

American Trakehner Association (1100)

American Warmblood Registry (1137)

American Warmblood Society & Sporthorse Registry (1135)

Appaloosa Horse Club (1140)

Arabian Horse Association (100111)

Belgian Warmblood Association - North American Breeding District (1155)

Canadian Horse Breeders Association (100834)

Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association (100191)

Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America (1150)

Curly Sporthorse International (100643)

Dartmoor Pony Registry of America (106187)

Draft Cross Breeders & Owners Association (103382)

Fell Pony Society of North America (102766)

Friesian Heritage Horse & Sporthorse International (102769)

Friesian Horse Association of North America (100174)

Friesian Horse Society (1207)

Friesian Sport Horse Registry (100034)

Friesian Sporthorse Assoc (102771)

German Sport Horse Association (105124)

Gypsy Vanner Horse Society (100729)

Holsteiner Verband-North American Breeding District (105316)

Hungarian Horse Association Of America (1170)

International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse Association (1180)

International Drum Horse Association (102333)

International Georgian Grande Horse Registry Llc (1310)

International Rescue Horse Registry (104224)

International Sporthorse Registry/Oldenburg Na (1112)

Irish Draught Horse Society of North America (100371)

Knabstrupperforeningen For Danmark (Knn) (103377)

KWPN of North America Inc. (1160)

New Forest Pony Society of North America (103286)

North American Danish Warmblood Association (100208)

North American Sportpony Registry (100175)

Norwegian Fjord Horse Alliance Inc. (106396)

Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry Inc. (1075)

Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society/German Oldenburg Verband (100037)

Percheron Horse Association Of America (100631)

Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry (103083)

Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International (1250)

Swedish Warmblood Association of North America (1280)

The Jockey Club (1291)

Trakehner Association Of North America (Tana) (105354)

United States Icelandic Horse Congress (105642)

United States Lipizzan Federation (100727)

United States P.R.E. Association (102768)

United States Trotting Association (100950)

US Lusitano Association Inc. (105622)

Welsh Pony & Cob Society Of America (1235)

Weser-Em Ponies & Small Horse Registry of the GOV (102800)

Westfalen Verband NA (105071)

Total Number of Organizations: 62